My Ultimate Windows and Mac Setup (2021 Edition)

Introduction My Battle Station @ 2021 In a parallel world, I’ll be just using 1 device and 1 Operating system for all the things. However, given the nature of my work with mobile, web, blockchain, machine learning, and cloud development, I need to have multiple devices to cater things. I tried doing “Shared mouse and keyboard” in the past such as Synergy, but I decided to use a KVM switch instead....

July 2021 · Michael John Peña

SSH Connect to Linux Server from a Mac using SOCKS5 Proxy

Introduction I’ve been spending a lot of time lately in setting up on-premises Linux Servers. There are a lot of reasons why you would like to SSH to a Linux server such as checking configuration files, copying files, or even port forwarding. Just open your MacOS terminal and the command to ssh to a Linux Server is as simple as: ssh user@host or ssh michael@ However, where it gets tricky is when you need to use a proxy such as SOCKS5 in order to access that Linux server from your MacOS machine....

June 2021 · Michael John Peña

How to disable auto-locking of MacOS Keychains

Signing an iOS app for release is one of the trivial things most mobile developers face. A lot of CLIs and SAAS emerged as part of this struggle. However, not all companies have adopted to those tools and they still prefer to build their apps in their on-prem data servers. They use something like TeamCity or Azure DevOps Server. We streamlined the configuration of our Mac Build agents to a repository where we can update our Provisioning Profiles, Keychains, etc....

March 2021 · Michael John Peña

The 3 Types of Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies people I’ve met

I’ve been in the crazy Blockchain space for quite a while now. I’ve had a lot of conversations and people I’ve met online and in-person to talk about it. Over and over, I see patterns on the people I interact with whether they do it as part of their job, an enthusiast, developer, investor, or simply just a person. I’ve probably had hundreds of interactions already and most likely, they will belong to either of these 3 buckets....

February 2021 · Michael John Peña

Why I don’t read or watch mainstream media that much

Ever since I was a kid, I was never really the person who watches the mainstream television to watch news. Watching news on a television is a culture that a lot of people just grew up with as a “default.” Here are some of thoughts on why I don’t value reading or watching mainstream media anymore. The important news will come to you one way or the other. They are written or crafted to trigger emotions rather than inform about things....

February 2021 · Michael John Peña

Why you should experience being self-employed

In someone’s employment life, she/he dreams of having her/his own company to beat the thoughts of having a manager or a boss. You know the promise of being your own boss, handling your own time, and $$$ - who wouldn’t want that? It’s “relatively” easy to establish a company compare to the last decades - thanks to technology. There are also a lot of avenues to profit from “the gig economy” that sometimes get big and would need a team to work on....

January 2021 · Michael John Peña

How to beat procrastination

One of the colossal beasts that all knowledge workers fight time and time again is procrastination. This is when you know you should work, but you don’t have enough willpower to do it. You can’t code, you can’t do that design document, you can’t write that next blog post… the list goes on. Here are 5 of my usual methods when I’m stuck in that limbo. Avoid Distractions The first and obvious thing that you have to do is to avoid distraction....

January 2021 · Michael John Peña

You should read books, you know you should

Before 2018, I was never a book reader. Reading a book seems like a chore to me. I can barely finish a chapter. I always had that internal conflict (possibly based from childhood experience) that only “the smart people” can read books. Another factor is, I’ve always associated books to “school” or “academia” that felt like an enclosed culture that didn’t really synced in to me. Also, I’d rather watch a film or TV series than read a 300 to 500 pager book - because of cinematics....

January 2021 · Michael John Peña

AI across the Microsoft Cloud

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are trending topics right now. In 2021, there are countless of ways to have a form of “AI” in your apps and platforms. A lot of companies from startups to software giants offer services that relate to this space. I spent the last 2 years exploring this space, and I still swimming my way as the movements in this area are quick and it’s hard to keep up....

January 2021 · Michael John Peña

Why it’s okay to be “an ordinary” developer

Someone once asked me, what does it take to become a prominent developer? A 10X Engineer? You know some who are “extraordinary”. What do you mean by extraordinary? I’ve always had some thoughts (all of us do) around it, but my understanding and opinion of it is now much more concrete. Actually, this applies not only to being a developer, but to any other career or profession that you’re in....

January 2021 · Michael John Peña

Digital Intentionalization: Don’t click that next button

It’s very tempting to click on “that next button” wether that is from YouTube, Netflix, Facebook videos or any endless buffet of consumption. You start watching a video about a topic you’re really interested in to and end up watching something weird after 3 hours. As I do more research in my personal journey of Digital Intentionalization, this is probably one of the most obvious ones. We let the platform play the next content....

January 2021 · Michael John Peña

My only goal for 2021: Digital Intentionality

During the holidays, I was contemplating on what skills should I invest time on for 2021. As someone who is working in the technology field, there are a lot of exciting things to double-down on: from Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, and a plethora of technology trends. As I reflected on how my 2020 went in terms of career and lifestyle, I noticed that there is an area I really need to work on - my digital life....

January 2021 · Michael John Peña

Synology NAS Series – Cloud Sync with Azure Storage

Foreword Synology reached out to me to give their new DiskStation DS920+ a review. If you’re not yet aware of Synology, they are the leading NAS (Network-attached storage) provider for home and work use-cases. You can use a NAS for pretty much anything such as backing up files, sharing files in a local network, streaming media files, or have your own “private cloud”. Throughout the years, the concept of NAS has developed and there is now a very thin line between doing things locally in your network and storage capabilities of cloud vendors....

September 2020 · Michael John Peña

5 Years of being a Microsoft MVP!

Wow! It’s been 5 years since my first Microsoft MVP award. If you don’t know what the Microsoft MVP program is, check this site . Throughout the years, I have transitioned from various categories and technology award. In particular, Windows Development (Windows 8/8.1/10/RT and XAML), to Developer Technologies (C#, .NET, Xamarin), to Azure with focus on Blockchain, PAAS (Platform as a Service), and Integrations. In those years, I’ve seen Microsoft and the MVP program changed a lot (for the better)....

September 2020 · Michael John Peña

I’m going to start writing again!

I have been meaning to write a blog post for an awfully long time, but it has blocked me for so many reasons. There are many reasons I stopped writing. I find different excuses for not doing it. Lazy. Busy. Afraid that contents I write may not be good enough. I feel my English is not good enough. So much more. No one will read it, why write? But then the more I think about it, the more I realised that I spend a lot of time in my day writing....

August 2020 · Michael John Peña

Key Differences Between Azure Machine Learning and Azure Cognitive Services Introduction Azure Machine Learning and Azure Cognitive Services are two powerful offerings from Microsoft Azure that cater to different aspects of artificial intelligence and machine learning. While both services aim to enhance the capabilities of applications through AI, they serve distinct purposes and are designed for different types of users and use cases. Key Differences Purpose and Focus Azure Machine Learning: This service is designed for data scientists and machine learning engineers who need to build, train, and deploy machine learning models....

Michael John Peña

Step-by-Step Guide for Implementing a Serverless AI Solution Using Azure Functions and Azure Cognitive Services Introduction Serverless computing allows developers to build and run applications without managing infrastructure. Azure Functions, a serverless compute service, can be combined with Azure Cognitive Services to create powerful AI solutions. This guide will walk you through the steps to implement a serverless AI solution using these Azure services. Prerequisites An active Azure subscription. Basic knowledge of Azure Functions and Azure Cognitive Services....

Michael John Peña