Getting Started with GraphQL using TypeScript

GraphQL is a modern query language for APIs that provides more control and efficiency compared to traditional REST APIs. With GraphQL, clients can specify exactly what data they need, and the server will return only that data, reducing the amount of over or under-fetching of data. TypeScript is a statically typed language that is a popular choice for building large-scale applications. It provides improved reliability, maintainability, and readability compared to dynamically typed languages like JavaScript....

February 2023 · Michael John Peña

Create a File Converter Service in 5 minutes or less using Gotenberg and Azure Container Instances

I’m very surprised that there isn’t a straight forward library out there that is free to use and convenient in terms of file conversion. I think it’s because a lot of these file formats come with proprietary software, specially during the early day: Office by Microsoft, PDF by Adobe, etc. Good thing there is Gotenberg! Gotenberg is an open-source tool that allows you to convert HTML, Markdown, and Office documents to PDF by sending HTTP requests to a server....

December 2022 · Michael John Peña