Implementing Redis Caching Patterns with Azure Functions

Caching is a technique used to store frequently accessed data in a temporary storage location in order to speed up the performance of an application. There are several different caching patterns that can be implemented to improve the performance of an application, and each has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. In this blog post, we will explore the different caching patterns and how they can be implemented using Redis and Azure Functions....

January 2023 · Michael John Peña

Debugging Azure Functions Blob Trigger Locally with Azurite

Debugging Azure Functions locally can be a helpful way to test and troubleshoot your code before deploying it to the cloud. One way to do this is by using a local emulator, such as Azurite, which simulates the Azure storage services in the cloud. In this blog post, we’ll walk through how to set up and use Azurite to debug an Azure Functions Blob Trigger locally, using a sample C# function as an example....

January 2023 · Michael John Peña

“CQS (Command Query Separation) in Azure Functions”

Introduction Azure Functions made it very easy to create services on the cloud. It’s very simple to get started just like Logic Apps , but also extensible like a full ASP.NET Core application (if you’re using .NET). You also have a variety of language options to choose from, so it’s not just exclusive to C# or .NET. It uses a serverless architecture so that you don’t need to maintain any runtime dependencies, operating system patches, and infrastructure maintenance as well....

September 2022 · Michael John Peña