Here is a list of all the relevant technology set up that I use personally at work, home, and everything in between. I grouped them on different groups according to function. Nowadays, I tend to be minimalist on what I purchase both on hardware and software, and make sure that I am very intentional with their uses and not because of vanity / impulse buying.
Work and Personal Devices
- Macbook Pro M2
- Windows Desktop: 64 GB RAM, i9 CPU, and Nvidia RTX 3080
- iPhone 13 mini (Personal)
- Samsung Galaxy S20 (Work)
- Apple AirPods Pro
- Bose Quietcomfort 35
- Kindle Papewhite
Desk Setup
- V20 Desk
- Xiaomi Monitor
- HP Monitor
- Dell Docking
- Taotronics Speaker
- Multiple charging Bay
- Webcam
- USB Spliter
- Blue Snowball Microphone
- Playmax
- Logitech Mouse
- Logitech Keyboard
- Desk Thredmill
- Attached Drawers
Development Software
- Visual Studio Code (and extensions)
- Visual Studio 2022 (Windows)
- Jetbrains Rider
- Docker
- Terminals: iTerm 2 and Windows Terminal
Productivity Software
- Obsidian
- Outlook Calendar
Mobile Apps I use daily
- Apple Notes, Reminders, Calendar, and Voice Memos
- Obsidian and Working Copy
- Health: Trainerize, Strava, Garmin Connect
- Audible, 12 Min, Kindle, and Goodreads
- Banking & Crypto Apps
- SnoreLab and SnoreGym
- Life